De foto is gemaakt met de webcam, vandaar ook in spiegelbeeld en een beetje donker. Maar ik wilde toch even iets laten zien.
Another card made for my (long adult) godchild. Hubby had recently bought a polo shirt (by necessity, but in a cheap shop) of Hilfiger. In a clear moment, I kept the label. Comes in very handy for this card. Also because godchild loves designer clothes.
The photo was taken with the webcam, thus mirror graphical image and a little bit too dark. But I just wanted to show something.
The photo was taken with the webcam, thus mirror graphical image and a little bit too dark. But I just wanted to show something.
Zolang we nog geen oplossing hebben voor het kabeltje van ons fototoestel, zal ik (indien mogelijk) op deze manier maar foto's laten zien.
As long as we still have no solution for the cable from our camera, I will (if possible) in this way, show the photographs.
Een hele lieve groet
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